Saturday, October 4, 2008

Coming up soon: the 2008 Addison County Conservation Congress

A county-wide meeting on financial, climate, and energy changes is scheduled for October 25th. The 2008 Addison County Conservation Congress is an all-day event. Some details of the event, subtitled "Visioning Our Community in 2020 and Mapping the Next Steps to Get There":
John Elder will then lead the community in a visualization of the year 2020. Next, we will join one of the 12 rooms of our community: Food and Farming, Health and Wellness, Business and Enterprise, Community Arts and Culture, Governance and Public Safety, etc. [more information here] There, we will brainstorm our vision for the room in 2020.

What will emerge at the end of the day is a vision statement for each room and three specific actions to be taken in the next year to help manifest that vision: one personal, one for our neighborhood or town, and one for Addison County.

The Congress will be held at Mt. Abraham Union High School on October 25 from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. The suggested donation is $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for students. A localvore lunch will be available for $8.00.
A registration form is downloadable here.

The day is sponsored by Addison County Relocalization Network (ACoRN) and Vermont Family Forests (VFF). The VFF site should have more information as we draw closer to the 25th.

(thanks to Warren King)

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