Sunday, May 17, 2009

Agenda for river problems meeting

Here's the latest agenda for this week's town river problems meeting:

Ripton’s River Problems

An Informational Meeting
Ripton Community House

Wednesday, May 20th, 7:30PM


1. Introduction. Warren King, RiptonPlanning Commission (5 minutes)

2. River Dynamics and Management. Shannon Pytlik, Vermont River Management Program (10 minutes)

3. Middlebury River Corridor Plan. Amy Sheldon, geomorphologist, Compiler, Middlebury River Corridor Plan (10 minutes)

4. Proposal to FEMA and VT River Management Program. Amy Sheldon (10 minutes)

5. Erosion Hazard Overlay Zone Bylaw. Warren King (5 minutes)

6. Long term adequacy of proposed measures. Shannon, Amy (10 minutes)

7. Discussion of concerns. Townspeople 20 minutes

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