Saturday, September 2, 2017

The Ripton Ridge Run is coming up

Our annual Ripton Ridge Run is coming up in just a few weeks.!

On Sunday, October 8th, runners and friends will gather at the Ripton Elementary School.

Click here to get more information, and to sign up.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Ripton's Warren King to receive lifetime achievement award

Warren King will receive a major award for his work in conservation.
Vermont Natural Resource Council (VNRC) is excited to present this year’s Arthur Gibb Award for Individual Leadership to Warren King, a lifelong conservationist, at VNRC’s annual meeting on Thursday, September 21, 2017 at The Kirk Alumni Center at Middlebury College. King will be celebrated for the remarkable creativity, compassion, and energy he has brought to his work with Audubon Vermont, Vermont Nature Conservancy, Ripton’s Planning and Conservation Commissions, New England Wildflower Society, and more, in service of Vermont’s natural resources and communities.
 “Warren King epitomizes how the practice of taking local action can help address global challenges,” said VNRC executive director Brian Shupe. “King’s work has rippled across the state to better inform public policy and local action on a range of initiatives that have deeply impacted Vermont communities and our environment for the better.”
Congratulations, Warren!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Birthday potluck in May

Join us for a Ripton community potluck celebrating Hilda Billings' 97th Birthday! 

At the Ripton Community House

Saturday May 20th 1:00-3:30

Cake and drinks provided
Bring a dish to share
All Welcome