Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Addison County Gospel Choir Performs At the Ripton Community House

A musical event is coming up this weekend:

Addison County Gospel Choir Performs At the Ripton Community House 

This unique and highly talented group of singers and musicians will be performing at the Ripton Community House Saturday August 6 starting at 7 pm. A 35 member chorus with a FULL back up band performing music from Jeffrey L. Ames, Hank Williams,, Stephen Schwartz and traditional spirituals with modern and traditional arrangements such as Witness and He Gave Me Water. This concert has no admission. Free will offering to support music purchase and continued restoration of the Ripton Community Church. A truly unique concert with a 15 + year history. 
For additional information please contact Lisa Knickerbocker at lmk88keys at gmail dotcom. Or 802 779 2704. Get dance and sing!