Friday, February 27, 2015

Storytelling night next week

Next Tuesday night will be a storytelling event at the Ilsley public library.
Here's the announcement:
Have we got some stories for you! 
Tuesday March 3 7:30 pm at Ilsley Public Library 
 Come hear original and (mostly) true tales told live and in person by… 
 Bryan Alexander - Barbara Andres - Kari Hansen - Judith Holler - Madeleine Lyttle - Len Rowell - Kevin Unrath - David Weinstock 

 The storytellers are part of the first Storytelling Mini-Course sponsored by StoryMatters Vermont and Ilsley Public Library. 
 Please join us! Admission is free. 
 75 Main St., Middlebury, VT 

 Questions? Email or call David at 989-4314

Towards town meeting

What's on deck for next week's town meeting?  John Flowers shares a nice summary in the Addison Independent.  There are elections opposed and un-, several budgets, changes to official positions, and more.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Riptonite wins energy honor

A Ripton resident received an honor this month, concerning energy efficiency.
 Efficiency Vermont has named two Vermont building designers as Partners of the Year in energy efficient design and construction. The awards honor homebuilder Alex Carver of Ripton andDuncan Wisniewski Architecture of Burlington.
Carver, co-owner of Northern Timbers Construction of Ripton, was named Residential New Construction Partner of the Year for achievements in the construction of energy efficient homes that provide lower energy and maintenance costs, superior comfort and air quality, strong resale value, and durability.
“Alex is an extraordinary builder who is highly regarded by his peers,” said Matt Sargent, Efficiency Vermont Senior Energy Consultant. “In his nearly 30 years of homebuilding in Vermont, Alex has been unwavering in his commitment to creating high-performance homes and to educating others, including the next generation of building professionals. Alex has a drive to always explore new and better building approaches. This award rightfully honors Alex Carver’s notable contributions to efficient residential construction in Vermont.”
Congratulations, Alex!

School district meeting ahead

Also coming up with our annual Town Meeting is our school district meeting.  That's March 2nd, starting at 7:30 pm in the Community House.

Here's what's on deck:
ARTICLE 1: To see if the voters of the Town School District will authorize its Board of Directors, under 16 VSA 562 (9), to borrow money by issuance of bonds or notes not in excess of anticipated revenue for the school year.
ARTICLE 2: To see if the voters of the Town School District will approve the sum of $905,614 to defray current expenses of the Town School District for the ensuing school year and to pay outstanding orders and obligations. 
ARTICLE 3: To see if the voters of the Town School District will authorize the Board of Directors to transfer a sum not to exceed $37,000 from the Education Reserve Fund (balance of $58,825) to the General Fund as revenue for the 2015-16 school year. 
ARTICLE 4: To transact any other business proper to come before said meeting.
 Upon completion of the transaction of the aforesaid business, or upon adjournment of the aforesaid meeting for any other purpose, said meeting shall be reconvened on Tuesday, March 3, 2015, in the Ripton Town Office for the following business of the Town School District by Australian Ballot.
Polls will be open 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.
ARTICLE 5: To elect a Moderator for the Town School District for a term of one year.
ARTICLE 6: To elect one School Director for the Town School District for a term of three years.
ARTICLE 7: To elect one School Director for the Town School District for a term of two years.
 Carol Ford, Chair 
 Bryan Alexander 
 Perry Hanson 
 Giles Hoyler 
Laura Murphy McIntosh

(thanks to Alison Dickinson for the documentation)

Friday, February 20, 2015

Town meeting ahead

Our Ripton Town Meeting is coming up on March 2nd.  It starts at 7:30 and will take place at the Ripton Community House, as ever.

Here are some details from the official warning:

The legal voters of the Town of Ripton are warned to meet at the Community House in Ripton on Monday, March 2, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. to transact the following business:  
Article 1: Will the Town vote the sum of $577,000.00 to pay Road and General Fund expenses for July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016, and pay outstanding orders or obligations of the Town, with interest, the tax rate on the 2015 Grand List to be determined by the Selectboard, divided as follows: 
Roads, including winter work $294,100.00
General Fund $282,900.00
Total $577,000.00
Article 2: Will the Town vote the sum of $38,650.00 to the RiptonVolunteer Fire and First Response Department to help pay Fire and First Response expenses for July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016?  
Article 3: Will the Town vote to have current property taxes collected by the Treasurer with a tax due date of Thursday, November 5, 2015?  
Article 4: Will the Town vote to elect a Town Clerk for the term of one year as provided by 17 V.S.A. §2646 (2), said term to begin at Town Meeting, March 1, 2016?  
Article 5: Will the Town vote to elect a Town Treasurer for the term of one year as provided by 17 V.S.A. §2646 (3), said term to begin at Town Meeting, March 1, 2016?  
Article 6: Any other business proper to come before this meeting. 

The Meeting will recess until 7:00 a.m. Tuesday, March 3, 2015.
(thanks to Alison Dickinson)